By engaging Solar 2020, you are assured of working with highly qualified, accredited experts in solar installation.
Solar 2020’s John Conlon and Alan Ostler are both Clean Energy Council Accredited Installers, with decades full of experience.
The Clean Energy Council, the peak body for Australia’s clean energy industry, is a not-for-profit association based in Melbourne.
The council represents, and works with, hundreds of leading businesses in the fields of solar, wind, energy efficiency, hydro, bioenergy, geothermal, marine and energy storage – and more than 4000 solar installers nationwide.
Accreditation gives solar installers and designers access to continuous professional development and technical support and solar systems designed and installed by CEC accredited operators are eligible for government incentives and rebates.

Your one-stop shop to your
solar power needs
Over 30 Years Electrical Experience
Over a decade in the Solar Sector
High quality panels and inverters
Interested in switching to Solar Energy?
The team at Solar2020 are here to help and available to answer your questions.
Leave the process to the experts
Trying to figure out what is the best solar power system for your home can be a daunting experience.
Apart from the raft of technical jargon (can you tell a string inverter from a microinverter? Or a Monocrystalline solar cell from a Polycrystalline one and what’s the difference anyway?), homeowners also face a potential minefield of state and council regulations governing installation.
Even if you can negotiate your way through all of the above, choosing the most reliable, financially rewarding and robust equipment for the job is another matter entirely.
In a nutshell: leave the process to the experts, such as Solar 2020, led by John Conlon and Alan Ostler.
The Solar 2020 difference
One of the biggest pitfalls people fall into is buying ‘cheap’ says John.
“The single-biggest mistake is not doing enough research to satisfy yourself about the quality of the panels and inverter. So often it is a buying decision made on price alone, without taking into consideration the yield versus lifespan of some of the inferior panels flooding into the Australian market,’’ he says.
“We encourage the Solar 2020 customer to take a long-term view in regards of investment, just like they would with any other major home improvement product,” says John. “Solar 2020 is happy to be competitive on price but we don’t compromise on quality – ever.”
Solar 2020 goes to great lengths to ensure the customer is fully briefed on any solar power system well before install.
“Each installation is comprehensively surveyed before starting an install. Working at heights has its own issues and challenges and it is company policy to be fully compliant with all Federal and State authorities’ regulations in this area,’’ says John.
Solar 2020 will also handle virtually all the ‘red tape’ with council permits and the like, although the customer will need to provide authorisation to their power provider.
The team
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